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Eine Frau steht in der Dusche. In der beschlagenen Duschwand ist ein Herz gemalt.

Regulate humidity in the bathroom

A refreshing shower or a warm bath is a great way to relax. Who worries about the ideal airing. With your smart home equipment from TEXINO, you can ensure the ideal bathroom climate automatically, prevent foggy mirrors and mold – and create an atmosphere for relaxation.


Open and close windows automatically

  • The wall thermostat with humidity sensor detects too high values.

  • The window control receives the signal to open the windows. Thanks to automatic tilt and turn drive, the humid air can escape from the bathroom.

  • The window is closed as soon as the humidity in the bathroom is optimal again.

  • The smart radiator thermostat automatically reduces the heat output when the window is open.

  • With the optional GEALAN CAIRE smart ventilation system using heat recovery, you automatically ventilate even more efficiently.


  • Pleasant indoor climate in the bathroom.

  • No more fogged mirrors.

  • Heat loss is reduced.

  • Prevention of mold.

Necessary products

Access Point

Access Point

With the Homematic IP access point you can control your smart home from anywhere.



Window Control

The window control enables the integration of various drives into your smart home, both in direct installation and retrofittable.



Turn-tilt Drive

The tilt-turn drive allows you to automatically tilt and close windows in your home.



Blinds Actuator

With the blinds actuator you have full control over the individual control of your external venetian blinds or shutters.


Radiator Thermostat

Connect your heating to your smart home and automatically control the temperature in your home.


Wandthermostat mit Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor

Wall Thermostat with Humidity Sensor

The wall thermostat measures the temperature and humidity when placed anywhere in the room.


Alternative products

Shutter Actuator for Brand Switches

Automate the control of your roller shutters and awnings.



Blinds Actuator

With the blinds actuator you have full control over the individual control of your external venetian blinds or shutters.


Blinds Actuator for Brand Switches

Control blinds and venetian blinds conveniently and automatically via all common drives.


Wandtaster 2-fach

Double Wall Switch

The wall switch can be used to control all areas in your smart home.


Wall-mounted Remote Control - 6 buttons

Have full control over your smart home.


Wall-mounted Remote Control - flat

The flat remote control allows you to perform clever functions at the touch of a button.



CO2 Sensor

The CO2 sensor reliably measures the CO2 pollution in your rooms.


Radiator Thermostat - Evo

Bring together intelligent heating and a stylish, excellent design.


Optional products provided by our partners


Ventilation System

GEALAN CAIRE Smart is an intelligent ventilation system using heat recovery.


Request Do you want to make your bathroom smart?

We will be happy to advise you on your options and installation requirements.


Inquire now without obligation

Ansprechpartner bei VEKA TEXINO

More application cases

Eine Frau liegt schlafend im Bett. Die Sonnenstrahlen der hochfahrenden Rollos scheinen in den dunklem Raum auf ihr Gesicht.

Optimum indoor climate in the bedroom

With TEXINO you create a smart bedroom, adapting to your and your loved ones´ sleeping habits.


Ein Mann sitzt in seinem Schreibtisch und arbeitet am Laptop

Work more productively in the home office

With your smart equipment by TEXINO, you ensure the perfect working atmosphere in the office automatically - and create your own personal smart office.
